The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 20 rectoBackBACKBackF19v Folio 19 verso   Folio 20 verso F20v

1005   Of high prys, and of grete degre.
1006   This lady called was Beaute,
1007   And an arowe, of which I tolde.
1008   fful wel thewed was she holde;
1009   Ne she was derk ne broun, but bright,
1010   And clere as the mone lyght,
1011   Ageyn whom all the sterres semen
1012   But smale candels, as we demen.
1013   Hir flesh was tendre as dewe of flour,
1014   Hir chere was symple as byrde in bour;
1015   As whyte as lylye or rose in rys,
1016   Hir face gentyl and tretys.
1017   ffetys she was, and smale to se;
1018   No wyntred browis had she,
1019   Ne popped hir, for it neded nought
1020   To wyndre hir, or to peynte hir ought.
1021   Hir tresses yelowe, and longe straughten,
1022   Unto hir helys doun they raughten:
1023   Hir nose, hir mouth, and eyhe and cheke
1024   Wel wrought, and all the remenaunt eke.
1025   A ful grete savour and a swote
1026   Me thought in myn herte rote,
1027   As helpe me god, whan I remembre
1028   Of the fasoun of every membre!