The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 19 versoBackBACKBackF19r Folio 19 recto   Folio 20 recto F20r

981   The fourthe, wanhope cleped is,
982   The fifte, the newe-thought, ywys.
983   These arowis that I speke of heere,
984   Were all fyve on oon maneere,
985   And alle were they resemblable.
986   To hem was wel sittyng and Able
987   The foule croked bowe hidous,
988   That knotty was, and al roynous.
989   That bowe semede wel to shete
990   These arowis fyve, that ben unmete,
991   And contrarye to that other fyve.
992   But though I telle not as blyve
993   Of her power, ne of her myght,
994   Herafter shal I tellen right
995   The soothe, and eke signyfiaunce,
996   As fer as I have remembraunce:
997   All shal be seid, I undirtake,
998   Er of this book an ende I make.
999   Now come I to my tale Ageyn.
1000   But aldirfirst, I wole you seyn
1001   The fasoun and the countenaunces
1002   Of all the folk that on the daunce is.
1003   The god of love, Iolyf and lyght,
1004   Ladde on his honde a lady bright,