The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 18 versoBackBACKBackF18r Folio 18 recto   Folio 19 recto F19r

933   And it was peynted wel and twythen,
934   And over al diapred and writen
935   With ladyes and with bacheleris,
936   ffull lyghtsom and glad of cheris.
937   These bowes two helde swete lokyng,
938   That semede lyk no gadelyng.
939   And ten brode arowis hilde he there,
940   Of which v in his righthond were.
941   But they were shaven wel and dight,
942   Nokked and fethered right;
943   And all they were with gold bygoon,
944   And stronge peynted everychoon,
945   And sharp forto kerven well.
946   But iren was ther noon ne steell;
947   ffor al was golde, men myght it see,
948   Outake the fetheres and the tree.
949   The swiftest of these arowis fyve
950   Out of a bowe forto dryve,
951   And best fethered for to flee,
952   And fairest eke, was clepid Beaute.
953   That other arowe, that hurteth lasse,
954   Was clepid, as I trowe, symplesse.
955   The thridde cleped was ffraunchise,
956   That fethered was, in noble wise,