The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 18 rectoBackBACKBackF17v Folio 17 verso   Folio 18 verso F18v

909   But nyghtyngales, a full grete route,
910   That flyen over his heed Aboute,
911   The leeves felden as they flyen;
912   And he was all with briddes wryen,
913   With popyniay, with nyghtyngale,
914   With chalaundre, and with wodewale,
915   With fynche, with lark, and with Archaungell.
916   He semede as he were an Aungell
917   That doun were comen fro hevene clere.
918   Love hadde with hym a bachelere,
919   That he made alleweyes with hym be;
920   Swete lokyng cleped was he.
921   This bachelere stode biholdyng
922   The daunce, and in his honde holdyng
923   Turke bowes two full wel deuysed had he.
924   That oon of hem was of a tree
925   That bereth a fruyt of savour wykke;
926   fful crokid was that foule stikke,
927   And knotty here and there Also,
928   And blak as bery, or ony slo.
929   That othe[r] bowe was of a plant
930   Withoute wem, I dar warant,
931   fful evene, and by proporcioun
932   Treitys and long, of ful good fasoun.