The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 17 versoBackBACKBackF17r Folio 17 recto   Folio 18 recto F18r

885   This god of love of his fasoun
886   Was lyke no knave, ne quystroun;
887   His beaute gretly was to preyse.
888   But of his robe to devise
889   I drede encombred forto be.
890   ffor nought clad in silk was he,
891   But all in floures and in flourettes,
892   Y-painted al with Amorettes; (line missing in MS)
893   And with losynges and scochouns,
894   With briddes, lybardes, and lyouns,
895   And other beestis wrought ful well.
896   His garnement was everydell
897   Portreied and wrought with floures,
898   By dyvers medlyng of coloures.
899   ffloures there were of many gise
900   Sett by compas in Assise;
901   Ther lakkide no flour, to my dome,
902   Ne nought so mych as flour of brome,
903   Ne violete, ne eke pervynke,
904   Ne flour noon, that man can on thynke,
905   And many a rose leef ful longe
906   Was entermelled theramonge:
907   And also on his heed was sette
908   Of roses rede a chapelett.