The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 17 rectoBackBACKBackF16v Folio 16 verso   Folio 17 verso F17v

861   Bent were hir browis two,
862   Hir yen greye, and glad Also,
863   That laugheden ay in hir semblaunt,
864   ffirst or the mouth, by covenaunt.
865   I wot not what of hir nose I shal descryve;
866   So faire hath no womman Alyve. . . .
867   Hir heer was yelowe, and clere shynyng,
868   I wot no lady so likyng.
869   Of orfrays fresh was hir gerland;
870   I, which seyen have a thousand,
871   Saugh never, ywys, no gerlond yitt,
872   So wel wrought of silk as it.
873   And in an overgilt samet
874   Cladde she was, by grete delit,
875   Of which hir leef a robe werede,
876   The myrier she in hir herte ferede.
877   And next hir wente, [on] hir other side,
878   The god of love, that can devyde
879   Love, and as hym likith it be.
880   But he can cherles daunten, he,
881   And maken folkis pride fallen.
882   And he can wel these lordis thrallen,
883   And ladyes putt at lowe degre,
884   Whan he may hem to p[r]oude see.