The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 16 rectoBackBACKBackF15v Folio 15 verso   Folio 16 verso F16v

813   The shap, the bodies, and the cheres,
814   The countenaunce and the maneres
815   Of all the folk that daunced there,
816   And I shal tell what they were.
817   Ful faire was myrthe, ful longe and high;
818   A fairer man I nevere sigh.
819   As rounde as appille was his face,
820   fful rody and white in every place.
821   ffetys he was and wel beseye,
822   With metely mouth and yen greye;
823   His nose by mesure wrought ful right;
824   Crispe was his heer, and eek ful bright.
825   Hise shuldris of a large brede,
826   And smalish in the girdilstede.
827   He semed lyke a portreiture,
828   So noble he was of his stature,
829   So faire, so Ioly, and so fetys,
830   With lymes wrought at poynt devys,
831   Delyver, smert, and of grete myght;
832   Ne sawe thou nevere man so lyght.
833   Of berde unnethe hadde he no thyng,
834   ffor it was in the first spryng.
835   fful yonge he was, and mery of thought,
836   And in samette, with briddis wrought,