789 To dauncen well coude they the gise;
790 What shulde I more to you devyse?
791 Ne bode I never thennes go,
792 Whiles that I sawe hem daunce so.
793 Upon the caroll wonder faste,
794 I gan biholde; til atte laste
795 A lady gan me forto espie,
796 And she was cleped curtesie,
797 The worshipfull, the debonaire;
798 I pray to god evere falle hir faire!
799 fful curteisly she callede me,
800 'What do ye there, beau sir?' quod she,
801 'Come , and if it lyke yow
802 To dauncen, dauncith with us now.'
803 And I, without tariyng,
804 Wente into the carolyng.
805 I was abasshed never a dell,
806 But it to me liked right well,
807 That curtesie me cleped so,
808 And bad me on the daunce go.
809 ffor if I hadde durst, certeyn
810 I wolde have caroled right fayn,
811 As man that was to daunce right blithe.
812 Thanne gan I loken ofte sithe