The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 15 rectoBackBACKBackF14v Folio 14 versp   Folio 15 verso F15v

765   That wel to synge dide hir peyne.
766   Somme songe songes of loreyne;
767   ffor in loreyn her notes bee
768   ffull swetter than in this contre.
769   There was many a tymbester,
770   And saillouris, that I dar wel swere
771   Couthe her craft ful parfitly.
772   The tymbres up ful sotilly
773   They caste, and hente full ofte
774   Upon a fynger faire and softe,
775   That they failide never mo.
776   fful fetys damysels two,
777   Ryght yonge, and full of semelyhede,
778   In kirtles, and noon other wede,
779   And faire tressed every tresse,
780   Hadde myrthe doon, for his noblesse,
781   Amydde the carole forto daunce;
782   But herof lieth no remembraunce,
783   Hou that they daunced queyntly.
784   That oon wolde come all pryvyly
785   Agayn that other: and whan they were
786   To gidre almost, they threwe yfere
787   Her mouthis so, that thorough her play
788   It semed as they kiste Alway;