The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 14 versoBackBACKBackF14r Folio 14 recto   Folio 115 recto F15r

741   ffor they were lyk, as to my sight,
742   To angels, that ben fethered bright.
743   This folk, of which I telle you soo,
744   Upon a carole wenten thoo.
745   A lady carolede hem, that hyght
746   Gladnesse, blissfull and the light;
747   Wel coude she synge and lustyly,
748   Noon half so wel and semely,
749   And couthe make in song sich refreynynge,
750   It sat hir wondir wel to synge.
751   Hir voice ful clere was and ful swete.
752   She was nought rude ne unmete,
753   But couthe ynow of sich doyng
754   As longeth unto carolyng:
755   ffor she was wont in every place
756   To syngen first, folk to solace;
757   ffor syngyng moost she gaf hir to;
758   No craft had she so leef to do.
759   Tho myghtist thou caroles sene,
760   And folk daunce and mery bene,
761   And made many a faire tournyng
762   Upon the grene gras springyng.
763   There myghtist thou see these flowtours,
764   Mynstrales, and eke Iogelours,