The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 13 versoBackBACKBackF13r Folio 13 recto   Folio 14 recto F14r

693   So Iolyf, nor so wel bigoo,
694   Ne merye in herte, as I was thoo.
695   And than wist I, and saw ful well,
696   That ydelnesse me served well,
697   That me putte in sich Iolite.
698   Hir freend wel ought I forto be,
699   Sith she the dore of that gardyne
700   Hadde opened, and me leten inne.
701   From hens forth hou that I wrought,
702   I shal you tellen, as me thought.
703   ffirst, wherof myrthe served there,
704   And eke what folk there with hym were,
705   Without fable I wole discryve.
706   And of that gardyne eke as blyve
707   I wole you tellen aftir this.
708   The faire fasoun all, ywys,
709   That wel wrought was for the nones,
710   I may not telle you all at ones:
711   But as I may and can, I shal
712   By ordre tellen you it All.
713   fful faire servise and eke ful swete
714   These briddis maden as they sete.
715   Layes of love, ful wel sownyng
716   They songen in their yarkonyng;