The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 13 rectoBackBACKBackF12v Folio 12 verso   Folio 13 verso F13v

669   By note made faire servyse
670   These briddes, that I you devise;
671   They songe her songe as faire and wele
672   As angels don espirituel.
673   And, trusteth wel, that I hem herd,
674   fful lustily and wel I ferde;
675   ffor never yitt sich melodye
676   Was herd of man that myght dye.
677   Sich swete song was hem Among,
678   That me thought it no briddis songe,
679   But it was wondir lyk to be
680   Song of meremaydens of the see;
681   That, for her syngyng is so clere,
682   Though we mermaydens clepe hem here
683   In English, as is oure usaunce,
684   Men clepe hem sereyns in ffraunce.
685   Ententif weren forto synge
686   These briddis, that nought unkunnyng
687   Were of her craft, and Apprentys,
688   ffor of song sotil and wys.
689   And certis, whan I herde her songe,
690   And sawe the grene place Amonge,
691   In herte I wexe so wondir gay,
692   That I was never erst, er that day,