The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 12 versoBackBACKBackF12r Folio 12 recto   Folio 13 recto F13r

645   And whan I was inne, iwys,
646   Myn herte was ful glad of this.
647   ffor wel wende I ful sikerly
648   Have ben in paradys erthly;
649   So faire it was, that, trusteth wel,
650   It semede a place espirituel.
651   ffor certys, as at my devys,
652   Ther is no place in paradys
653   So good inne forto dwelle or be
654   As in that gardyne, thought me;
655   ffor there was many a bridde syngyng,
656   Thorough out the yerde al thringyng.
657   In many places were nyghtyngales,
658   Alpes, fynches, and wodewales,
659   That in her swete song delyten
660   In thilke places as they habiten.
661   There myght men see many flokkes
662   Of turtles and laverokkes.
663   Chalaundres fele sawe I there,
664   That wery, nygh for songen were.
665   And thrustles, terins, and mavys,
666   That songen forto wynne hem prys,
667   And eke to sormounte in her songe
668   That other briddes hem Amonge.