The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 12 rectoBackBACKBackF11v Folio 11 verso   Folio 12 verso F12v

621   And thus he walketh to solace
622   Him and his folk; for swetter place
623   To pleyn ynne he may not fynde,
624   Al though he sought oon in tyl ynde.
625   The alther fairest folk to see
626   That in this world may founde be
627   Hath mirthe with hym in his route,
628   That folowen hym always Aboute.'
629   Whan ydelnesse had tolde al this,
630   And I hadde herkned wel, ywys,
631   Thanne seide I to dame ydelnesse,
632   'Now also wisly god me blesse,
633   Sith myrthe, that is so faire and fre,
634   Is in this yerde with his meyne,
635   ffro thilk assemble, if I may,
636   Shal no man werne me to day,
637   That I this nyght ne mote it see.
638   ffor, wel wene I, there with hym be
639   A faire and Ioly companye
640   ffulfilled of all curtesie.'
641   And forth, withoute wordis mo,
642   In at the wiket went I tho,
643   That ydelnesse hadde opened me,
644   Into that gardyne faire to see.