The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 9 rectoBackBACKBackF8v Folio 8 verso   Folio 9 verso F9v

477   With gold and asure over
478   Depeynted newe upon the wall.
479   Square was the wall, and high sumdell;
480   Enclosed, and barred well,
481   In stede of hegge, was that gardyne;
482   Come nevere shepherde therynne.
483   Into that gardyn, wel wrought,
484   Who so that me coude have brought,
485   By laddris, or elles by degre,
486   It wolde wel have liked me.
487   ffor sich solace, sich ioye, and play,
488   I trowe that nevere man ne say,
489   As was in that place delytous.
490   The gardeyn was not daungerous
491   To herberwe briddes many oon.
492   So riche a yeer was never noon
493   Of briddes songe, and braunches grene.
494   Therynne were briddes mo, I wene,
495   Than ben in alle the rewme of ffraunce.
496   fful blissful was the Accordaunce
497   Of swete and pitous songe thei made,
498   ffor all this world it owght glade.
499   And I my silf so mery ferde,
500   Whan I her blisful songes herde,