The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 9 versoBackBACKBackF9r Folio 9 recto   Folio 10 recto F10r

501   That for an hundreth pounde wolde I,
502   If that the passage opunly
503   Hadde be unto me free
504   That I nolde entren forto se
505   Thassemble, god kepe it fro care
506   Of briddis, whiche therynne ware,
507   That songen, thorugh her mery throtes,
508   Daunces of love, and mery notes.
509   Whan I thus herde foules synge,
510   I felle fast in a weymentyng,
511   By which art, or by what engyne
512   I myght come into that gardyne;
513   But way I couthe fynde noon
514   Into that gardyne for to goon.
515   Ne nought wist I if that ther were
516   Eyther hole or place where,
517   By which I myght have entre;
518   Ne ther was noon to teche me;
519   ffor I was al aloone, iwys,
520   ffor wo and angwishis of this.
521   Til atte laste bithought I me,
522   That by no weye ne myght it be;
523   That ther nas laddre or wey to passe,
524   Or hole, into so faire a place.