The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 8 rectoBackBACKBackF7v Folio 7 verso   Folio 8 verso F8v

429   Yolden to relygioun,
430   Sich semede hir devocioun.
431   A sauter helde she fast in honde,
432   And bisily she gan to fonde
433   To make many a feynt praiere
434   To god, and to his seyntis dere.
435   Ne she was gay, ne fresh, ne Iolyf,
436   But semede to be ful ententyf
437   To gode werkis, and to faire
438   And therto she had on an haire.
439   Ne certis, she was fatt no thing,
440   But semed wery for fasting;
441   Of colour pale and deed was she.
442   ffrom hir the gate ay werned be
443   Of paradys, that blisful place;
444   ffor sich folk maketh lene hir grace,
445   As Crist seith in his evangile,
446   To gete prys in toun a while;
447   And for a litel glorie veigne
448   They lesen god and his reigne.
449   And alderlast of everychon,
450   Was peynted povert al Aloon,
451   That not a peny hadde in wolde,
452   All though she hir clothis solde,