The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 7 versoBackBACKBackF7r Folio 7 recto   Folio 8 recto F8r

405   Whan she was in hir rightful Age:
406   But she was past al that passage
407   And was a doted thing bicomen.
408   A furred cope on had she nomen;
409   Wel had she clad hir silf and warme,
410   ffor colde myght elles don hir harme.
411   These olde folk have alwey colde,
412   Her kynde is sich, whan they ben olde.
413   Another thing was don there write,
414   That semede lyk an Ipocrite,
415   And it wa[s] clepid Poope holy.
416   That ilk is she that pryvely
417   Ne spareth never a wikked dede,
418   Whan men of hir taken noon hede;
419   And maketh hir outward precious,
420   With pale visage and pitous,
421   And semeth a semely creature;
422   But ther nys no mysaventure
423   That she ne thenkith in hir corage.
424   fful lyk to hir was that ymage,
425   That makid was lyk hir semblaunce.
426   She was ful symple of countenaunce,
427   And she was clothed and eke shod,
428   As she were, for the love of god,