381 The tyme, that may not soiourne,
382 But goth, and may never retourne,
383 As watir that doun renneth Ay,
384 But never drope retourne may;
385 Ther may no thing as tyme endure,
386 Metall, nor erthely creature;
387 ffor all thing it frette and shall:
388 The tyme eke, that chaungith All,
389 And all doth waxe and fostred be,
390 And al thing distroieth he:
391 The tyme, that eldith our
392 And eldith kynges and emperours,
393 And that us alle shal overcomen
394 Er that deth us shal have nomen:
395 The tyme, that hath al in welde
396 To elden folk, had maad hir elde
397 So ynly, that, to my witing,
398 She myght helpe hir silf no thing,
399 But turned ageyn unto childhede;
400 She had no thing hir silf to lede,
401 Ne witte ne pithe in hir holde
402 More than a child of two yeer olde.
403 But natheles, I trowe that she
404 Was faire sumtyme, and fresh to se,