The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 6 versoBackBACKBackF6r Folio 6 recto   Missing Missing

309   That she hadde suffred day and nyght
310   Made hir ful yolawe, and no thing bright,
311   fful fade, pale, and megre Also.
312   Was never wight yit half so wo
313   As that hir semede forto be,
314   Nor so fulfilled of ire as she.
315   I trowe that no wight myght hir please,
316   Nor do that thyng that myght hir ease;
317   Nor she ne wolde hir sorowe slake,
318   Nor comfort noon unto hir take;
319   So depe was hir wo bigonnen,
320   And eek hir hert in angre ronnen,
321   A sorowful thing wel semed she.
322   Nor she hadde no thing slowe be
323   fforto forcracchen al hir face,
324   And for to rent in many place
325   Hir clothis, and forto tere hir swire,
326   As she that was fulfilled of ire;
327   And alto torn lay eek hir here
328   Aboute hir shuldris, here and there,
329   As she that hadde it al to rent
330   ffor angre and for maltalent.
331   And eek I telle you certeynly
332   Hough that she wepe ful tendirly.