The Romaunt of the Rose
MissingBackF6v Folio 6 verso   Missing Missing
This image taken from the Thynne printed edition


333   In world nis wight so hard of herte
334   That hadde seen hir sorowes smerte,
335   That nolde have had of hir pitee,
336   So wo-bigoon a thing was she.
337   She al to-dasshte hir-self for wo,
338   And smoot togider her handes two.
339   To sorwe was she ful ententyf,
340   That woful recchelees caityf;
341   Hir roughte litel of pleying,
342   Or of clipping or [of] kissing;
343   For who-so sorweful is in herte,
344   Him liste not to pleye ne sterte,
345   Nor for to daunsen, ne to singe,
346   Ne may his herte in temper bringe
347   To make Ioye on even or morowe;
348   For Ioye is contraire unto sorowe.
349   Elde was peynted after this,
350   That shorter was a foot, ywis,
351   Than she was wont in her yonghede.
352   Unnethe hir-self she mighte fede;
353   So feble and eek so old was she
354   That faded was al hir beautee.
355   Ful salowe was waxen hir colour,
356   Hir heed for-hoor was, whyt as flour.