The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 4 rectoBackBACKBackF3v Folio 3 verso   Folio 4 verso F4v

189   And that is she that penyes fele,
190   That techith forto robbe and stele
191   These theves, and these smale harlotes;
192   And that is routh, for by her throtes
193   fful many oon hangith at the laste.
194   She makith folk compasse and caste
195   To taken other folkis thyng,
196   Thorough robberie, or myscoveiting.
197   And that is she that makith trechoures;
198   And she makith false pleadoures,
199   That with hir termes and hir domes
200   Doon maydens, children, and eek gromes
201   Her heritage to forgo.
202   fful croked were hir hondis two;
203   ffor coveitise is evere wode
204   To gripen other folkis gode.
205   Coveityse, for hir wynnyng,
206   fful leef hath other mennes thing.
207   Another ymage set saugh I
208   Next coveitise fast by,
209   And she was clepid Avarice.
210   fful foule in peyntyng was that vice;
211   fful sade and caytif was she eek,
212   And also grene as ony leek.