The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 3 versoBackBACKBackF3r Folio 3 recto   Folio 4 recto F4r

165   And she was called felony.
166   Another ymage, that vilany
167   Clepid was, saugh I and fonde
168   Upon the wal on hir right honde.
169   Vilany was lyk somdell
170   That other ymage; and, trustith wel,
171   She semede a wikked creature.
172   By countenaunce, in portrayture,
173   She semed be ful dispitous,
174   And eek ful proude and outragious.
175   Wel coude he peynte, I undirtake,
176   That sich ymage coude make.
177   fful foule and cherlysshe semed she,
178   And eek vylayneus forto be,
179   And litel coude of Norture,
180   To worshipe any creature.
181   And next was peynted Coveitise,
182   That eggith folk, in many gise,
183   To take and yeve right nought Ageyne,
184   And gret tresouris up to leyne.
185   And that is that for usure
186   Leneth to many a creature
187   The lasse for the more wynnyng,
188   So coveitise is her brennyng.