The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 4 versoBackBACKBackF4r Folio 4 recto   Folio 5 recto F5r

213   So yvel hewed was hir colour,
214   Hir semed to have lyved in langour.
215   She was lyk thyng for hungre deed,
216   That ladde hir lyf oonly by breed
217   Kneden with eisel strong and egre;
218   And therto she was lene and megre.
219   And she was clad ful porely,
220   Al in an old torn courtpy,
221   As she were al with doggis torne;
222   And bothe bihynde and eke biforne
223   Clouted was she beggarly.
224   A mantyl henge hir fast by,
225   Upon a perche, weike and small;
226   A burnet cote henge therwithall,
227   ffurred with no menyvere,
228   But with a furre rough of here,
229   Of lambe skynnes hevy and blake;
230   It was ful old, I undirtake.
231   ffor avarice to clothe hir well
232   Ne hastith hir, never a dell;
233   ffor certeynly it were hir loth
234   To weren ofte that ilk cloth;
235   And if it were forwered, she
236   Wolde have ful gret necessite