The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 3 rectoBackBACKBackF2v Folio 2 verso   Folio 3 verso F3v

141   With many riche portraitures;
142   And bothe the ymages and the peyntures
143   Gan I biholde bysyly.
144   And I wole telle you, redyly,
145   Of thilk ymages the semblaunce,
146   As fer as I have in remembraunce.
147   Amyd saugh I a hate stonde,
148   That for hir wrathe, yre, and onde,
149   Semede to ben an Mynoresse,
150   An angry wight, a chideresse;
151   And ful of gyle, and felle corage,
152   By semblaunt was that ilk ymage.
153   And she was no thyng wel Arraied,
154   But lyk a wode woman Afraied;
155   ffrounced foule was hir visage,
156   And grennyng for dispitous rage;
157   Hir nose snorted up for tene.
158   fful hidous was she forto sene,
159   fful foule and rusty was she, this.
160   Hir heed writhen was, y wis,
161   fful grymly with a greet towayle.
162   An ymage of another entayle,
163   A lyft half, was hir by;
164   Hir name above hir heed saugh I,