The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 2 versoBackBACKBackF2r Folio 2 recto   Folio 3 recto F3r

117   *********************** to seyn;
118   *************** it was than Seyn,
119   ******************ghter wel Away.
120   *************gh I, er that day,
121   The ****** that so wel lyked me;
122   And wondir glad was I to se
123   That lusty place, and that ryvere;
124   And with that watir that ran so clere
125   My face I wysshe. Tho saugh I well
126   The botme paved everydell
127   With gravel, ful of stones shene.
128   The medewe softe, swote, and grene,
129   Beet right on the watir syde.
130   fful clere was than the morowtyde,
131   And ful attempre, out of drede.
132   Tho gan I walk thorough the mede,
133   Dounward ay in my pleiyng,
134   The ryver syde costeiyng.
135   And whan I had a while goon,
136   I saugh a gardyn right Anoon,
137   fful long and brood, and everydell
138   Enclosed was, and walled well,
139   With high walles enbatailled,
140   Portraied without, and wel entailled