The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 2 rectoBackBACKBackF1v Folio 1 verso   Folio 2 verso F2v

93   Right in my bed, ful redily,
94   That it was by the morowe e****
95   And up I roos, and gan me clot****
96   Anoon I wisshe myn hondis both**
97   A sylvre nedle forth y droughe
98   Out of an aguler queynt ynoughe,
99   And gan this nedle threde Anon;
100   ffor out of toun me list to gon
101   The song of briddes forto here,
102   That in thise buskes syngen clere.
103   And in [the] swete seson that swete is,
104   With a threde bastyng my slev[i]s,
105   Alone I wente in my plaiyng,
106   The smale foules song harknyng;
107   They peyned hem ful many peyre
108   To synge on bowes blosmed feyre.
109   Ioly and gay, ful of gladnesse,
110   Toward a ryver gan I me dresse,
111   That I herd renne fast by;
112   ffor fairer plaiyng non saugh I
113   Than playen me by that ryvere,
114   ffor from an hill that stood ther nere,
115   Cam doun the streme ful stif and bold.
116   Cleer was the water, and as cold