69 ******************************mene,
iwis 70 ********************ground to preisen
is. 71 ********************ven lefte her
song 72 While they *****ide cold so
strong 73 In wedres gryl and derk to
sight 74 Ben in may, for the sonne
bright, 75 So glade, that they shewe in
syngyng, 76 That in
her hertis is
sich lykyng, 77 That they mote syngen and be
light. 78 Than doth the nyghtyngale
hir myght 79 To make noyse, and syngen
blythe. 80 Than is blisful, many
sithe, 81 The chela****e and
papyngay. 82 Than yong folk entenden Ay
83 fforto ben gay and Amorous,
84 The tyme is than so
85 Hard is the hert that loveth
nought 86 In May, whan al this mirth
is wrought; 87 Whan he may on these
braunches here 88 The smale briddes syngen
clere 89 Hir blesful swete song
pitous; 90 And in this sesoun
delytous, 91 Whan love affraieth al thing,
92 Me thought a nyght, in my
sleping, |