The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 1 rectoBackBACKBackMissing Missing   Folio 1 verso F1v

45   So mochel pris; and ther*********
46   So worthy is biloved ********
47   That she wel oughte of pris **********
48   Be cleped Rose of every wi******
49   That it was May me thought tho,
50   It is v yere or more Ago;
51   That it was May, thus dremed me,
52   In tyme of love and Iolite,
53   That al thing gynneth waxen gay,
54   ffor ther is neither busk nor hay
55   In May, that it nyl shrouded bene,
56   And it with newe leves wrene.
57   These wodes eek recoveren *******
58   That drie in wynter ben **********
59   And the erth wexith proude with All,
60   ffor swote dewes that on it fall,
61   And the pore estat forgette
62   In which that wynter had it sette,
63   And than bycometh the ground so proude
64   That it wole have a newe shroude,
65   And makith so queynt his robe and faire
66   That it had hewes an hundred payre
67   Of gras and flouris, ynde and pers,
68    And many hewes ful dyvers.