The Romaunt of the Rose
MissingBackMissing Missing   Folio 1 recto F1r
This image taken from the Thynne printed edition


23   Of yonge folk, I wente sone
24   To bedde, as I was wont to done,
25   And fast I sleep; and in sleping,
26   Me mette swiche a swevening,
27   That lykede me wonders wel;
28   But in that sweven is never a del
29   That it nis afterward befalle,
30   Right as this dreem wol telle us Alle.
31   Now this dreem wol I ryme Aright,
32   To make your hertes gaye and light;
33   For Love it prayeth, and Also
34   Commaundeth me that it be so.
35   And if ther any aske me,
36   Whether that it be he or she,
37   How [that] this book [the] which is here
38   Shal hote, that I rede you here;
39   It is the Romance of the Rose,
40   In which al the art of love I close.
41   The mater fair is of to make;
42   God graunte in gree that she it take
43   For whom that it begonnen is!
44   And that is she that hath, y-wis,