14 June, 2022. 10.00 - 12.30 (in person).

Kelvin hall, University of Glasgow.

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Perhaps the most significant economic trend of the past decade has been the platformization of the economy. Digital platforms are multisided marketplaces that connect buyers and sellers by disintermediating existing industry value chains to deliver new forms of value. Many of these platforms, such as Amazon, Facebook, and Google, have evolved into powerful ecosystem orchestrators who coordinate large communities of economic actors.

Yet, despite the popularity of these services, there is growing discontent with how the platform economy operates. Leading platforms are accused of anticompetitive practices, labour market abuses, consumer data exploitation, surveillance, regulatory arbitrage, and misinformation. Our workshop takes stock of these issues and asks, is there an alternative digital economy for Scotland? We will hear from a range of speakers working on projects that offer new, equitable and inclusive visions for our digital future. We will then discuss a roadmap that guides us how to get there. The workshop will be of interest to policymakers, researchers, activists, and entrepreneurs.



For more information, contact the Digital Society and Economy interdisciplinary research theme.

First published: 4 April 2022