Date: Tuesday 11th October

Time: 8.30-11.00am

Venue: The Proclaim Suite - The Studio, 67 Hope Street, Glasgow G2 6AE

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Scotland continues to face a productivity challenge, with the current level below the UK average and the median of OECD nations. It has stagnated since the financial crisis of 2007-08, creating an adverse effect on economic growth and living standards. However, with one of the most educated workforces in the OECD, access to natural resources, successful high productivity sectors such as energy, finance and other knowledge intensive service industries, Scotland has some of the foundations in place to thrive.

This Gaitherin will bring together experts from academia, industry and policy discuss how productivity can be grown to secure inclusive sustainable benefits in both an economic and social context. Although digital transformation and current and emerging markets provide opportunities for business, it can only be leveraged effectively by developing a creative and skilled workforce

Professor Bridgette Wessels of University of Glasgow and a committee member of The Productivity Institutewill facilitate discussion in the morning with representatives across business, academia and policy on these challenges and how they can be overcome. We will also hear case studies from the manufacturing, micro-SME, and creative sectors in how they are currently confronting digital transformation and skills development within the workforce.

Following the Gaitherin, there will be an opportunity for stakeholders from the manufacturing, SME, and creative sectors to participate in a workshop where the aims are to i) to share learnings and knowledge on their experience of digital transformation, asset sharing and developing a skilled and creative workforce & ii) explore what a forum could look like that supports finding solutions to existing productivity challenges. If you would like to participate in this workshop (11.30am – 1.30pm), please tick the box when registering for The Gaitherin.

About The Gaitherin: The Gaitherin brings together Scotland's most innovative academic and business minds for regular networking events. We start with a bite to eat and networking, then a short key note (details to be confirmed in following week), followed by a round of rapid fire pitches, where anybody has a chance to pitch an idea, discuss a new concept or project. At The Gaitherin we aim to find synergies between business and research, and look for areas where we can collaborate. Everyone is welcome, there's no limitation on areas of expertise.

First published: 23 September 2022