TitleHow can robots help improve educational outcomes?

Lead by: Dr Lavinia Hirsu

Date: May 27th, 2022
Time: 16:00 – 18:00

Location: Room 256 Fore Hall, Main Building (Gilbert Scott)

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This session invites school representatives and researchers to learn about a project we’ve conducted as a pilot focussed on using robots as reading companions. The aim of this project was to develop an educational unit and learning package that integrates literacy and ICT skills. With the help of these educational materials developed for this project, we supported pupils in a primary school to develop their reading abilities, boost their confidence levels and introduce them to basic coding.

You can find out more about the pilot project in this project highlight.

Building on our learning from our work, this event is an opportunity to think together about what we want from our robots and their role in teaching and learning/as a resource for children and young people.

We are particularly interested to hear about different educational environments where this project may be developed. All are welcome to this event and we imagine it will be particularly relevant for primary educators, their partners and researchers in digital innovations and education who are interested in innovative pedagogies and methods. This session will also be a great opportunity to explore the potential for future collaborations around the topic, be it in the form of future research and/or learning interventions in schools.



For more information, contact the Digital Society and Economy interdisciplinary research theme.

First published: 4 April 2022