Date: Friday 1 December, 2023 [in-person]

Time: 8:45 - 11am

Location: Advanced Research Centre (ARC) 237 A/B (Exhibition Space)

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Innovation districts, partnerships and communities of innovation

To conclude the Scottish programme of National Productivity Week, join the Scotland Productivity Forum and the IRT Digital Society and Economy at the University of Glasgow for an illuminating and insightful conference event: “Innovation, place and communities: innovation districts, partnerships and communities of innovation”.

This event will focus on the Scottish context regarding building resilient and diverse communities of innovation in terms of:

  • What the challenges and opportunities are in enhancing productivity in Scotland at various scales and relative to specific places
  • What new agendas are at play in different sectors and different localities
  • What the practical experience is of building innovation communities in place
  • What policy and regulation changes are needed to support and facilitate improved productivity
  • What the role of innovation districts and place-based organisations such as the Crichton Trust in Dumfries and business enterprise support in the Highlands & Islands



8:45 - 9:00: Arrival and registration

9:00 - 9:30: Presentations from speakers

9:30 - 10:00: Q&A discussion with audience

10:00 - 11:00: Networking and refreshments



  • Mike King: Director of Economic Development, University of Glasgow
  • Alisdair Gunn: Director of Glasgow City Innovation District
  • Gwilym Gibbons: Chief Executive, The Crichton Trust
  • Additional speakers TBC


Regenerating Scottish productivity for prosperity for all

This event is part of the 'Regenerating Scottish productivity for prosperity for all' programme of events for National Productivity Week - check out the full programme below:


To celebrate the National Productivity Week, The Productivity Institute Forum, the IRT Digital Society and Economy at the University of Glasgow and Productivity Club teamed up to bring you a Gaitherin event packed with new thinking and new beginnings. In fact, on the day, Productivity Club will launch their new name!

Join us at this Gaitherin as we explore a growing trend that redefines productivity in today's ever-evolving economic, social, and environmental landscape.

Traditional measures of productivity no longer address the pressing questions facing businesses - how to cultivate sustainable growth.

About The Gaitherin: The Gaitherin brings together Scotland's most innovative academic and business minds for regular networking events. We start with a bite to eat and networking, then a short key note (details to be confirmed in following week), followed by a round of rapid fire pitches, where anybody has a chance to pitch an idea, discuss a new concept or project. At The Gaitherin we aim to find synergies between business and research, and look for areas where we can collaborate. Everyone is welcome, there's no limitation on areas of expertise.

First published: 30 October 2023