Postgraduate taught degrees
Postgraduate taught degrees
- Cancer Research & Precision Oncology [MSc]
- Cardiovascular Sciences [MSc(MedSci)]
- Clinical Critical Care [MSc/PgDip/PgCert: Online distance learning]
- Clinical Pharmacology [MSc(MedSci)]
- Clinical Trials [MSc/PgDip/PgCert]
- Critical Care [MSc/PgDip/PgCert]
- Endodontics [MSc(DentSci)]
- Endodontology [MSc]
- Health Care, Advanced Practice in [MSc(MedSci)]
- Health Services Management [MSc/PgDip/PgCert]
- Health Services Management (online) [MSc/PgDip/PgCert: Online distance learning]
- Health-Professions Education / Health-Professions Education (with Research) [MSc/MSc (Research)/PgDip/PgCert: Online distance learning]
- Healthcare Chaplaincy [PgCert]
- Human Anatomy [PgCert]
- Human Nutrition [MSc(MedSci)]
- Lymphoedema Management, Advanced [PgCert: Blended learning]
- Medical Genetics & Genomics [MSc(MedSci)]
- Medical Physics [MSc]
- Medical Visualisation & Human Anatomy [MSc]
- Nursing Science, Advanced [MSc]
- Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery [MSc(DentSci)]
- Oral Sciences [MSc]
- Palliative Care [MSc/PgDip/PgCert: Online distance learning]
- Precision Medicine [MSc]
- Science Communications [MSc]
- Sport & Exercise Science & Medicine [MSc]
- Sport & Exercise Science & Medicine [MSc/PgDip/PgCert: Online distance learning]
The School of Medicine, Dentistry & Nursing is renowned for pioneering teaching methods and superb facilities for postgraduate study. We have one of the largest and most prestigious Medical Schools in Europe.
The school is recognised within the University and externally for its innovative and distinctive basic science, translational and clinical research programmes in medicine, dentistry and nursing and healthcare based on interdisciplinarity and a multi-professional approach. The school is dispersed over University and Hospital sites.
Our main sites are the Wolfson Medical School Building, the New Lister Building at Glasgow Royal Infirmary and since 2015, the Teaching & Learning Centre at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital.
If you study with us, you can benefit from our outstanding facilities and pioneering teaching methods, including the best in clinical experience. The interface with the NHS partners is critical to our research strategy and comprises a key element for translating basic science discoveries into clinical practice with clear societal benefits.
We have over 170 postgraduate research students involved in a wide range of research subject areas.