Your path to career success starts here
Since she was 15 years old, Valeria Bruno from Peru dreamt of pursuing a Masters degree at a top 100 university. As a Spanish speaker, she wanted to expand her horizons and challenge herself by being part of the English-language academic world too. These aspirations came true when, after nine years of working in Peru, she discovered the International Strategic Marketing MSc programme at the University of Glasgow.
But what she found most extraordinary of her time here, was the College Employability Programme. “I am currently based in London, working as Innovation Manager for a financial services company, and I acknowledge the skills I developed during my Masters and the College Employability Programme (CEP) courses helped me in the job search process and are also helping me in my day-to-day job.”
The College Employability Programme is a series of short interactive online courses, supported by trained tutors,
that supports you to plan your professional development, develop a range of workplace-relevant transferable skills and learn how to communicate these skills to employers.
Valeria found the CEP “very well-structured, didactic, and easy to follow.” “The information presented is valuable and up-to-date for developing skills that we will need in our work life. The tutors are friendly and helpful,” she says “They gave me feedback with valuable tips and recommendations to improve my employability skills. I recommend this programme 100%!”
Established in 1451, the University of Glasgow is a member of the prestigious Russell Group of leading UK research universities. Here, students are nurtured into enlightened, engaged, and enterprising graduates. In careers, they thrive and, in life, they go on to make a positive impact on culture and society.

“I recommend that every UofG student make the most out of the College Employability Programme resources because the skills learned during the courses will be valuable for life,” say Valeria.
The part the College Employability Programme plays in this cannot be underestimated. It helps you understand that employability is more than just securing a job after graduation. It’s about engaging in a variety of academic, extracurricular, and work-related activities during your time here, as well as developing valuable skills. “I completed a total of eight courses, which included: careers and employability induction, planning your employability, practical presentation skills, teamwork, leadership, making your dissertation work for you, writing a policy brief and LinkedIn,” she says.
These courses left a lasting impression on her. “I recommend that every UofG student make the most out of the College Employability Programme resources because the skills learned during the courses will be valuable for life,” she says.
The College Employability Programme fosters a diverse set of adaptable skills that are relevant in various workplaces. These skills encompass
practical presentation abilities, transitioning effectively from groupwork to teamwork, leadership, utilising one’s dissertation for personal advancement, and crafting a policy brief.
When you face challenges, tutors provide personalised feedback and guidance. You can schedule 1:1 appointments to address any employability development concerns whenever necessary. CEP offers 30-minute online 1:1 appointments for course guidance and general employability discussions, helping you enhance skills and seize opportunities during your studies. Just ask Fransiska Wuri Nugrahani, an international student from Indonesia who completed the Sustainable Tourism & Global Challenges MSc.
“I joined the CEP for a mandatory policy brief assignment on Sustainable Tourism by Dr. Anna de Jong. A policy briefing needs to be concise, although I tend to use more words in a typical essay. So having a valuable 1:1 mentor appointment greatly helped with my challenging task,” Fransiska says.

The College Employability Programme also supports you to develop effective LinkedIn profiles, giving you access to UofG Alumni and a powerful network of potential employers.
All of these skills amount to nothing if employers can’t recognise them. Through the Graduate Skills Programme, you learn the art of skilful communication of all of your skills and experiences via an engaging online, employer facing e-Portfolio. The College Employability Programme also supports you to develop effective LinkedIn profiles, giving you access to UofG Alumni and a powerful network of potential employers. Upon completion of any of the College Employability Programme courses you will earn digital badges and certificates allowing you to showcase yourachievements to potential employers.
Fransiska, who found the “Writing a Policy Brief ” course to be highly rewarding, believes she gained useful skills that she can immediately apply.
“I can now create a structure for my research reports and dissertations, as well as develop excellent research abilities, formulate research questions, utilise, and apply research methodologies, and construct research reports.
In addition to online courses, the College Employability Programme provides live opportunities such as workshops and skill days to encourage you to envisage your professional growth and providing you with the opportunity to practice your skills. This way, you can gauge your proficiency in work scenarios, helping you bridge the gap between theory and the real world.
Find out more about the University of Glasgow’s College Employability Programme.