Information for Employers

Entry to the work placement year is competitive and will involve placement applications and interviews.

Employer's Responsibilities:

Prior to the placement year:

  • Be involved in the selection procedure, including interviewing students and informing them of all necessary disclosure and financial checks required.

During the placement year:

  • Provide a work placement opportunity with appropriate training as well as providing work that is relevant to the student's skills and abilities in the area of Statistics.
  • Provide a final report and grade on the student's placement year and discuss the student's grade for the year with their Statistics supervisor.

More Information:

What others say about our students:

“The NHS employs over a 150,000 staff in Scotland, including over 400 statisticians, information analysts and public health intelligence. In its Information Services Division Glasgow Statistics graduates are among our highest performers, due to the breadth of knowledge in their degree and the applied focus of the course. I find that Glasgow graduates stand out at interview since they can talk positively about a practical project they have completed as part of their degree.”

Mary Sweetland is Deputy Director of the National Health Service (NHS) Scotland Information Services Division (ISD) and University of Glasgow Statistics graduate (1977).