This summer, the School saw a 460% rise in student numbers on the International Summer School — from 5 students to 23! Course coordinator Dr Andrew Wilson said:

"The students hail mostly from one of our partner institutions, the University of California, together with a handful of direct applicants. Building on our success from summer 2016, feedback shows the overwhelmingly positive student experience on this course. This is in a large part due to the student-centred and student-focused pedagogy which embeds play as a central feature of the course. Of course, this would not have been possible without the support and expertise of our excellent tutors Mr Georgios Antoniou, Mr Miguel Couto, Dr Scott Richardson, Ms Lucia Rotheray and Dr George Vazanellis."

Some student comments:

  • Very interactive and forced me to think and play with topics rather than passively absorbing
  • I also enjoyed all the maths games we played. It made class more interactive and fun
  • I feel like I retained a lot more information and that it will stay with me for a long time
  • The discovery "games" were really stimulating and effective
  • The interactive atmosphere & games throughout the class really helped to solidify my knowledge

First published: 19 December 2017