Prof Tara Brendle, Dr Claire Miller and Prof Ian Strachan attended a "Maths Education" event at the Palace of Westminster on Wednesday 22nd February. It was a reception hosted by Stephen Metcalfe (MP), chair of the Parliamentary Science and Technology committee, and sponsored by the Council for the Mathematical Sciences to promote the pending publication of the Smith review of post 16 Maths education and to provide insights into the refreshed Royal Society Advisory Committee on Maths Education.

Dr Nema Dean gave a 1-day workshop in “Cluster Analysis in R” at the University of Sheffield, Methods Institute on Thursday 23rd March.

Dr Ludger Evers and Dr Surajit Ray attended the Data Summit 2017 on Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th March. Focusing on #DataChangesEverything, the two day Data Summit explored leading examples of successes and challenges of transformation using data, with a forward look to how this will develop across industry and social sectors in the future. Ludger and Surajit attended the event in order to promote the School’s Online Data Analytics MSc in particular and our School profile in general.

Dr Duncan Lee visited Kelvindale Primary School to speak to their Primary 7 pupils at the “Career Carousel” event on Thursday 30th March. Duncan hopes to return to the school in May to take part in their STEM week, to talk about Statistics.

Prof Dirk Husmeier gave an invited talk at the ICMS workshop on "Mathematics for measurement" in Edinburgh on Monday 30th January, and an invited talk at the Royal Society workshop on "uncertainty quantification in cardiac modelling" at Chicheley Hall on Thursday 16th February. His paper entitled “Targeting Bayes factors with direct-path non-equilibrium thermodynamic integration”, co-authored by Andrej Aderhold and Marco Grzegorczyk, has been accepted for publication in the Springer journal “Computational Statistics”. In this paper, Dirk has adapted a method that he co-developed with Jürgen Schlitter for the computation of free energies in Statistical Physics to a challenging problem in Computational Statistics: the efficient computation of Bayes factors for model selection in complex systems.

Dirk has also been invited to join the programme committee of IWSM 2017, the International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, for which he has reviewed over 20 papers.

Dr Tereza Neocleous gave a talk at the Royal Statistical Society Local Group Meeting, jointly hosted with the RSS Statistics and Law section, on models for forensic speaker comparison. The event took place at the University of Strathclyde on Monday 27th February.

Dr Peter Stewart attended the inaugural meeting of the UK Fluids Network Special Interest Group in Fluid Mechanics of the Eye, held at Imperial College London from Monday 27th to Tuesday 28th March.

Peter also attended the second meeting of the EPSRC Early Career Forum in Edinburgh on Thursday 30th March. This event included a panel discussion with senior mathematicians, one of who was the School’s own Professor Ian Strachan.

First published: 5 April 2017