Future Events

Street Maths

Get tied-up with topology, bamboozled with braids and mind-boggled with messy mathematics! Look out for Street Maths taking mathematical street-theatre to a new plane with fun experiments and interactive demonstrations at the Glasgow Science Festival in June. Andrew Wilson's Street Maths has been accepted into the programme and is being funded by a Public Engagement Bursary from the Wellcome Trust.

This event will take place on Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th June. For further information see the Glasgow Science Festival webpage.

LMS-CMI Research School: Developments in Contact and Symplectic Topology

The LMS-CMI Research School will take place from 20th to 24th June and give students a comprehensive and accessible introduction to key aspects of contact topology in three dimensions and to the new frontier of high-dimensional contact topology. This is a unique opportunity for students and early-career researchers to get a hands-on guided tour of an exciting and fast-developing area of research from a world-leading team of experts.

For further information, see: http://ow.ly/XAuob.

LMS Hardy Lecture by Jacob Lurie

The Hardy Fellowship is named after G.H. Hardy, former President of the Society and De Morgan Medallist. It is normally awarded in even numbered years, to a distinguished overseas mathematician.

The Society is pleased to host Professor Jacob Lurie (Harvard University) as the LMS Hardy Fellow for 2016. Professor Lurie will undertake a lecture tour of the UK in the June and July, which will end with the Hardy Lecture at the Society Meeting on Friday 8 July in London.

During the Hardy Lecture Tour, Jacob Lurie will visit the School of Mathematics & Statistics, University of Glasgow on Monday 27th June. There will be refreshments available in the School's Common Room at 3pm with the talk taking place at 3.30pm in Lecture Theatre 416 of the Mathematics Building, 15 University Gardens, G12 8QW.

To register your attendance at the talk on Monday 27th June, please email maths-stats-events@glasgow.ac.uk by close of business on Friday 17th June.

31st British Topology Meeting

The 31st British Topology Meeting will take place from Monday 29th to Wednesday 31st August 2016. For further information, see:  http://www.maths.gla.ac.uk/~btm31/

Past events

IDEAS: The initiative for dialogue between clinicians and modellers

Under the initiative for dialogue between clinicians & modellers (IDEAS), the first Dialogue (on Heart Failure) was held on 22nd April at the School of Mathematics and Statistics, University Glasgow. This dialogue aims to identify some crucial challenges in the area of heart failure and diseases for the next 20 years as seen by clinicians today, which may be tractable to a mathematical modelling approach. The event was attended by over 35 researchers, with one-third being clinicians. The workshop started with seven review-type talks by the leading experts in the area, followed by the afternoon discussions in two groups.   Questions are focused on current problems in the heart failure and identified gaps between modelling and clinical communities. The dialogue finished with a list of future projects that both communities like to see funded.

IDEAS events are funded by POEMS and SofTMech, initiated by Xiaoyu Luo and colleagues from 11 other UK Universities. The event was recorded as a YouTube video which will be uploaded soon.

2016 UK National Conference on Geophysical, Astrophysical and Industrial Magnetohydrodynamics 

The UK National Conference on Geophysical, Astrophysical and Industrial Magnetohydrodynamics (UK MHD) is an annual meeting of the UK Magnetohydrodynamics research community.

The meeting has been organized every year since 1978 with the exception of 1983 and 1987. It has grown from humble beginnings to become the leading national gathering for Geophysical, Astrophysical and Laboratory MHD. The meeting provides an ideal opportunity to discuss and disseminate MHD and Fluid Dynamics research work carried out in the UK and beyond. Many important contributions are due to postgraduate students and early-career researchers.

The 2016 meeting was held at the School of Mathematics and Statistics, the University of Glasgow on the 12th and 13th May. The meeting was attended by 63 participants and there were 29 oral presentations and nine posters spread over six scientific sessions on topics ranging from stellar applications to the geodynamo and industrial processes. Further information, including a full list of participants and proceedings of the meeting can be found at the following link:


First published: 26 May 2016

<< June 16