Dirk Husmeier has collaborated with Robert Insall (Beatson Institute) and John Mackenzie on a proposal entitled "Understanding Cancer Metastasis by Combining Models, Numbers and Molecules” submitted to Cancer Research UK.

This proposal has been successful, and a collaboration agreement between the Beatson Institute, Strathclyde and our School is currently being discussed.

David MacTaggart has received a grant to work at the University of Catania, Sicily in June and July of 2016. The awarding body is a European network called SOLARNET and David will be working on MHD models of orphan penumbrae, which are features that appear at the solar surface.

Claire Miller and Marian Scott have been successful in a new NERC grant which is being led by The University of Stirling.  The details of the grant are as follows:

Hydroscape: connectivity x stressor interactions in freshwater habitats' (£2.9m, Led by University of Stirling).  Funded by NERC's new highlight topics route with Glasgow's share £180,954 (Claire Miller PI and Marian Scott).  Other partners are: University of Stirling, Natural History Museum, Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, University College London, Lancaster University, British Trust for Ornithology.

The project will begin on 1st December 2015 and runs until 30th November 2019.  

First published: 17 November 2015