Misha Feigin gave a talk titled "Generalized elliptic Calogero-Moser systems" in May at the international conference "Integrability and all that" in Loughborough, the conference was dedicated to 60th birthday of A.P. Veselov. Misha also gave a seminar talk "Huygens Principle and Integrability" at University of Calabria, Italy in April. He visited the University within Erasmus staff mobility scheme, and gave a series of lectures to postgraduates.

Ghislain Fourier is in Oberwolfach at the workshop ''Universal enveloping algebras and geomtric representation theory''. Following this, Ghislain will head to Rome, visiting Sapienza, University of Rome, for a few days where he will work with Giovanni Cerulli Irelli and present his work ''Quantum PBW filtrations in type A_n'' at their weekly seminar.

Dirk Husmeier gave a talk at the Biometry Award Meeting as part of the IBS Channel Meeting in Nijmegen in April. The title was “Controversy in mechanistic modelling of biopathways with Gaussian processes”.

David MacTaggart gave seminars in Plymouth and Glasgow titled “How to make a flux rope - applications of topological flux emergence”. David also gave a conference talk at UKMHD 2015 in Newcastle in May which was titled “Topological flux emergence”. In June, David will give the same talk at the Flux Emergence Workshop in Boulder, Colorado.

Kitty Meeks visited the Informatics Department at Bergen in May where she gave a talk titled “Parameterised subgraph counting problems”.   Kitty also gave the talk at Strathclyde's combinatorics seminar in May.

Luis Silva was invited to the Laboratory of Planetology and Geodynamics at the University of Nantes. During his visit in April he gave a talk titled “Double-buoyancy convection in rotating spherical shells”. Luis will also be attending the 26th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG2015) in July, and will be presenting a poster with the title “Effects of shell thickness on cross-helicity generation in convection-driven dynamos”.

Richard Steiner will attend the Homotopy in Concurrency and Rewriting Conference from in June in École Polytechnique. Richard will give a talk titled “Chain complexes and higher categories”.

Stuart White spoke on “colouring C*-algebras” at the department colloquium at Penn State University in April.  He also spoke on “Coloured classification” at the Operator algebras seminar, Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada. During the month of April Stuart co-organised workshop at University of Munster on “Structure and Classification of C*-algebras” In May, Stuart co-organised a conference at University of Copenhagen on “Operator Algebras and Applications in celebration of Erik Christensen and his work”. From now until July Stuart will be co-organising “Focused semester on C*-algebras” at University of Munster.

First published: 26 May 2015

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