Adrian Bowman has been invited to visit Australia in November on a Frank Hansford-Miller Fellowship.  This is awarded every two years, to bring a statistician from the UK on a visit to Perth.  Adrian will be hosted for one week by Murdoch University and for a second week by the Western Australia Department of Agriculture.  (Australia has a long and illustrious tradition of the development of statistical methods for use in agricultural contexts.)  The invitation is coupled with a talk to the Australian regional meeting of the International Biometrics Society (statistical methods applied to biology and medicine).  This is due to be held in Hobert, Tasmania, at the end of the visit.

So, a little winter sunshine is in prospect!

Ken Brown has been made chair of the EPSRC maths SAT, for three years from 1st April.

Ghislain Fourier, along with Evgeny Feigin and Martina Lanini will organize a Workshop in Oberwolfach in spring 2016 on ''PBW structures in representation theory". Oberwolfach is famous for its inspiring atmosphere and these workshops are quite popular and prestigious. The picture shows the three organisers, currently in Oberwolfach, and every mathematician might recognize the figure in the background.

Uli Kraehemer, together with Tarig Abdelgadir, has secured EUR30K of funding from ICTP Trieste for organising a conference and school titled "Homological Methods in Algebra and Geometry" at AIMS Ghana in the summer of 2016.

Angela Tabiri, currently a masters student at ICTP Trieste and former student of AIMS Ghana, has been awarded “Faculty for the Future, Fellow of the Schlumberger Foundation” which grants her a stipend to carry out her PhD with Uli, starting in the autumn. This is the same fellowship that brought Christina Cobbold's student Cameline to the School.

Stuart White has been awarded a “Fellowship for experienced researchers” by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation which will commence in June this year.

First published: 26 May 2015

<< May 15