Welcome to the May 2019 edition of HAWKEYE,
IHW's monthly newsletter

Chinese University of Hong Kong and HEHTA publish joint article
Wed, 14 Mar 2018 13:54:00 GMT
Quote of the month
"If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain." Emily Dickinson
People and projects
Welcome to new colleagues
Tue, 15 May 2018 15:06:00 BST
Congratulations to...
Thu, 28 Jun 2018 18:33:00 BST
Celebrating the recent achievements of Institute of Health and Wellbeing staff and students
Athena SWAN, equality, diversity and inclusion
Knowledge exchange and public engagement
Submit a story

Tell us about your activities and achievements
Wed, 02 May 2018 17:27:00 BST