263 colleagues responded to the recent University of Glasgow Carers Survey 2019, which sought the views of those who look after or give help to others with a long-term physical or mental illness/disability, or problems related to old age.

In-depth analysis will be carried out in due course but initial findings include the following:

  • 74% of respondents were female, whilst 76% of respondents work full-time
  • 45% of respondents have been caring for between 1 and 4 years. 40% of respondents care for up to 9 hours per week, 24% care for between 10 and 19 hours per week and 16% care between 20 and 34 hours per week. 8% of respondents care over 90 hours per week
  • 60% of respondents are caring for a parent whilst 19% of respondents are caring for a son/daughter or son/daughter-in-law
  • 47% of respondents work their hours in a flexible way: 74% of those who don’t work in a flexible way believe that doing so would assist them in meeting their caring obligations
  • 78% of respondents would feel comfortable in identifying themselves as a carer to the University (e.g. as part of the Scottish Governments Carer Positive initiative).

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First published: 1 May 2018