• Professor Carol Tannahill, awarded an OBE for services to public health
  • Our two newly-appointed professors, Professor Jim Lewsey (HEHTA) and Professor Shona Hilton (SPHSU), and newly-appointed senior lecturer Dr Barbara Nicholl (GPPC)
  • MSc Global Health student, Jessica Penny, awarded a MAXQDA Research Grant ($1300 package), to support her work, and the first MSc student ever to be selected to receive this award, which usually goes to PhDs students
  • Daniel Martin, for attaining the degree of PhD for his thesis entitled 'Investigating the associations, outcomes and treatment of cardiometabolic diseases in affective disorder'
  • Pattara Leelahavarong, for attaining the degree of PhD for her thesis entitled 'Development of an alcohol intervention model for predicting healthcare costs, life years, quality-adjusted life years and using for economic evaluation'
  • Yiqiao Xin, for attaining the degree of PhD for her thesis entitled 'Making what counts to be counted: evaluating the use of preference-based outcome measures in Parkinson's disease'
  • Aikaterini Kavalidou, for attaining the degree of PhD for her thesis entitled 'The role of physical and mental health multimorbidity in the risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviours'

First published: 28 June 2018