A short online course developed by our Athena Swan professional servies (PS) staff group – "Career development of professional services staff: a training module for IHW line managers" – is now available to complete. Aimed at addressing myths or misconceptions relating to career progression for PS staff and highlighting good practice in relation to colleagues' personal and professional development, completion is mandatory for line managers of PS staff but anyone with an interest in the topic may take the course. 

Photo of man working from home with laptop and cat

What form does this training module take?

The module comprises some preparatory reading followed by a short, multi-choice quiz. It is hosted in Moodle, with login via your GUID and password. 

There is no "pass mark" but you are welcome to retake the quiz for your own development, should you feel your score is a little low or want to ensure that you have a good grasp of the topic. 

What is the aim?

The aim of this module is to raise line manager awareness of the career progression and career development options for the professional services staff they manage, and to ensure consistency of approach i.e. 

  • To clarify
    • the difference between regrading and promotion;
    • the instances where an application for regrading may (or may not) be appropriate;
    • how the process works in practice
    • the instances where a staff member might be nominated for a reward and recognition award. 
  • To raise awareness of the ways that, even if regrading is not indicated for a particular post, line managers can support the career development of their staff and help them to find their current roles satisfying, stimulating, and enjoyable.

Who should complete the training?

This training is mandatory for all line managers of professional services staff (including R&T staff who may manage a professional services colleagues).

Anyone with an interest in the topic may undertake the training however and we recommend it to all our PS staff. 

How do I access the training?

  • Login to Moodle using your GUID and password.
  • Work your way through the preparatory reading as required, then scroll down and click on the link to the quiz.
  • Once you have answered the questions, reviewed your responses, and submitted them for "marking" you will receive a score and some feedback on your answers. 
  • Completion of this module will then be logged in your HR Core training record. Please check shortly afterwards to ensure that this has happened. You will also be asked to confirm on your annual PDR checklist that you have completed the module.

Who do I contact if I have queries? 

  • Queries about the content of this course should be directed to one of the chairs of the IHW Athena Swan professional services working group, Iain Taylor or Claire Brunton.
  • For any technical issues or queries, please contact Jane Goodfellow in IHW Admin. 


We are grateful to Lesley Cummings (Director of Performance and Reward, Organisational Development), James Hamilton (Director of Organisational Development), Catherine Madden (Human Resources Adviser, MVLS HR), the Moodle support team and technical colleagues in other areas of UofG for their guidance and support in building this module. 

Access this training module in Moodle

First published: 28 June 2018