Free one-day workshop for staff, board members or volunteers with nonprofit organisations with EveryStage Event Management company, in partnership with Byres Community Hub.

Tuesday 18th March, 10am-3pm in Byres Community Hub.

Join us for an informative and interactive CPD-accredited session on how to ensure events fulfil your organisation's aims and objectives and are planned and executed successfully to create unforgettable experiences.

Whether it's fundraising, networking or promotional events your organisation is looking to deliver, and regardless of whether you're a seasoned event planner or just starting out, this workshop is perfect for anyone in the third sector looking to up their game.

Delivered by Neil Macleod and John Grieve, who have a combined experience of over 40 years in event management, predominantly in the third sector, the content covered is relevant for organisations delivering events of all shapes and sizes. 

Please register here


First published: 28 February 2025

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