Lives on Paper workshops
Published: 17 December 2024
Local creative writers' group Writing Wrongs will present a series of workshops in the Hub to support people in writing about their lives and experiences.
Local creative writers’ group Writing Wrongs is pleased to announce that they will present a series of workshops in association with Byres Community Hub:
- Friday 14th March, 11am-1pm
- Friday 11th April, 11am-1pm
- Friday 9th May, 11am-1pm
These workshops will encourage and help people to write about their lives and experiences. You might write a short story about a particular episode in your life or start on a longer or maybe even full-life memoir. It could be intended just for your own eyes, for family and friends, or aimed towards a wider distribution, or even possible publication. Perhaps you want to ensure your memories and life stories are written down and passed on to the next generation.
Whatever your interest in or reason for writing about your life and experiences, you will find these three 2-hour community workshops, spread over three months, a positive, supportive and enjoyable experience.
First published: 17 December 2024
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