Research and Teaching Groups
The research of the School is organized through four research and teaching groups (RTGs) and centres and with staff allocated to these on the basis of their research interests. These are:
- Culture, Literacies, Inclusion and Pedagogy
- Educational Leadership and Policy
- Pedagogy, Praxis and Faith
- People Place and Social Change
These RTGs host our specialist research centres, networks and hubs, which attract members from across the School and beyond. The Centre for Research and Development in Adult and Lifelong Learning (CR&DALL), the Robert Owen Centre for Educational Change and the Centre for Computing Science Education promote high-quality, policy-relevant research within their thematic domains. The school is also the locus for the work in education of five major centres and hubs funded through UKRI: Centre for Research and Development in Adult and Lifelong Learning (CR&DALL); Centre for Sustainable, Healthy and Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods (SHLC); Migration for Development and Equality (MIDEQ) (the South-South Migration, Inequality and Development Hub; Urban Big Data Centre; and What Works Scotland
Two key university-wide networks draw leadership from the School: the Glasgow Refugee, Asylum and Migration Network (GRAMNet) and Sustainable Futures in Africa. The School also hosts four externally facing networks: the European Centre of PASCAL Observatory on Place Management, Social Capital and Learning Regions, Policy Scotland, the St Andrew’s Foundation for Catholic Teacher Education and the University of Glasgow Educational Assessment Network (UGEAN)/International Educational Assessment Network (IEAN). It also hosts the UNESCO Chair Refugee Integration through Languages and the Arts.

Culture, Literacies, Inclusion and Pedagogy